Monday, May 30, 2016

Weekly Links May 30th, 2016

George Church has a wild idea to upend evolution. Here’s your guide Harvard biologist George Church burst into the headlines (yet again) last week when he helped organize a closed-door meeting of scores of top scientists to discuss accelerating effo…
    • The report also says that new techniques, like a way to make small genetic changes in plants using genome-editing, are blurring the distinction between genetic engineering and conventional plant breeding, making the existing regulatory system untenable. It calls for a new system that pays more attention to the attributes of the crop, as opposed to the way in which it was created.
Nature Reviews Genetics Volume: 17, Pages: 333–351 Year published: (2016) DOI: doi:10.1038/nrg.2016.
The Plan to Avert Our Post-Antibiotic Apocalypse A new report estimates that by 2050, drug-resistant infections will kill one person every three seconds, unless the world’s governments take drastic steps now. Under instructions from U.K.
Bayer offers Big Buy out for the infamous Monsanto. Shareholders are not pleased… Yes, everyone is talking about how Germany’s Pharma giant Bayer has made a $62 billion offer for the infamous chemicals conglomerate Monsanto. And not many like it.
tags: Pocket weeklylinks 

o    Lab-equipment company Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.  TMO      0.62  %         on Friday said it reached a deal to acquire microscope-technology maker FEI Co. for $4.2 billion in cash.
The purchase price, at $107.50 a share, represents a 14% premium to FEI’s closing price on Thursday. The maker of high-end electron microscopes will join Thermo Fisher’s analytical instruments segment.
Soon We Won’t Program Computers. We’ll Train Them Like Dogs Before the invention of the computer, most experimental psychologists thought the brain was an unknowable black box. You could analyze a subject’s behavior—ring bell, dog salivates—but thou…
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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