Friday, June 3, 2016

Weekly Links June 3rd, 2016

Eske Willerslev Is Rewriting History With DNA COPENHAGEN — As a boy growing up in Denmark, Eske Willerslev could not wait to leave Gentofte, his suburban hometown. As soon as he was old enough, he would strike out for the Arctic wilderness. His twin…
The Key to Unlocking DNA from FFPE Tissues Formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues are valuable samples that typically come from human specimens collected for examination of the histology of biopsies for the detection of cancer. But each sam…
Photonic PCR: When Lightening Strikes Your DNA Before I get into today’s topic, please allow me to digress a bit and start with a few sentences that sum up the polymerase chain reaction (PCR); the grand-daddy of molecular biology.

Biotech startup seeks brain drugs — in the gut Kallyope launched Wednesday focusing on the brain-gut microbiome interaction. Kallyope, which launched Wednesday with $44 million in financing, seeks to explore the interaction between the brain and the…
Interviewing the Founder of the World #1 Microbiome Investment fund Isabelle De Cremoux is the CEO and President of French VC fund Seventure Partners, famous for having opened Health for Life Capital, a €160M fund dedicated to the Microbiome.
Biotech investment panorama in Chile The “Chilecon Valley” bubble is a weird one. Four years ago, people wrinkled their nose at you when you called yourself an entrepreneur. Today, they treat you like a rockstar and maybe even throw money at your fa…
Edico Genome Strengthens Intellectual Property Position for DRAGEN Bio-IT Processor SAN DIEGO,  — Edico Genome, creator of the world’s first bio-IT processor designed to analyze next-generation sequencing (NGS) data, today announced a third, foundat…
The Curse of Culture – Stratechery by Ben Thompson One of the seminal books on culture is Edgar Schein’s Organizational Culture and Leadership. Schein writes in the introduction:
Stewart Brand's Whole Earth Catalog, the book that changed the world Stewart Brand was at the heart of 60s counterculture and is now widely revered as the tech visionary whose book anticipated the web.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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