Monday, May 9, 2016

Weekly Links May 9th, 2016

The FDA’s Experience with Emerging Genomics Technologies—Past, Present, and Future We're trialling a new version of this page and we'd like your opinion, send feedback.
Will CRISPR mushroom change the GM debate? As the USDA clears a CRISPR mushroom for sale, FLG Content Manager Liz Harley asks if gene-editing will clear the air around GMOs. I’m inclined to agree with him.
The Augmented Human Being I worry about a lot of things. I encourage people to worry about a lot of things, but worry in the sense of taking action, doing something about it and being cautious as you do something about it—doing safety engineering. E…
Long-Range PCR: It’s About Choosing the Right Enzyme The ability for DNA polymerase to copy a long stretch of DNA is becoming increasingly important. Why? It has to do with the advances in our sequencing technologies.
How to Fix Your Bad Cloning Ratios – Bitesize Bio You open the incubator in the morning and to your dismay there are a hundred glorious colonies… on your vector-only control plate. This has happened to me more times than I wish to admit.

Who are 2016’s Top Innovator’s for Biotech and Medicine in France? The MIT Technology Review has released it’s next generation of best and brightest in French Tech. This also includes a surprising number of Biotech entrepreneurs…
CRISPR Start-ups There are not many weeks, not to say days when you cannot read something new about CRISPR. I have to admit I do not know much about it given my total incompetence in health related matters.
AstraZeneca launches project to sequence 2 million genomes One of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies has launched a massive effort to compile genome sequences and health records from two million people over the next decade.
    • These are just a few of the ‘best practice’ thoughts we have on tech transfer today. A number of institutions get some or all of this right more often than not; others less so. Given the critical importance that academic technology transfer plays in helping launch new biotechs – and by extension new medicines – we all have a vested interest in optimizing the process.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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