Monday, May 2, 2016

Weekly Links May 2nd, 2016

Why Are Your Gut Microbes Different From Mine? To find out, scientists collected poop from thousands of people—but they ended up with more questions than answers. There are tens of trillions of bacteria in my gut and they are different from those in…
The quiet revolutionary: How the co-discovery of CRISPR explosively changed Emmanuelle Charpentier’s life Emmanuelle Charpentier's office is bare, save for her computer. Her pictures, still encased in bubble wrap, are stacked in one corner, and unpa…
A DNA Sequencer in Every Pocket A biotech company is building devices that will allow people to decipher genes in remote jungles, at sea, or even in space—and they say they’re just getting started.
The Real Cost of Sequencing The real cost of sequencing is as hard to pin down as a sumo wrestler. Working in a large-scale sequencing laboratory offers an interesting perspective on the duality of the so-called “cost per genome.
The Myth of Ethidium Bromide Ethidium bromide is found in pretty much every molecular biology lab around. Ask most biologists about handling it, and you’re get a fearful expression and advice to use gloves, etc.
Gene-Editing Research in Human Embryos Gains Momentum At the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Fredrik Lanner is preparing to edit genes in human embryos. It’s the kind of research that sparked an international frenzy in April last year, when a Chi…
Genetics startup Twist Bioscience is working with Microsoft to store the world’s data in DNA Twist Bioscience, a startup making and using synthetic DNA to store digital data, just struck a contract with Microsoft and the University of Washington to …
Don’t Blame Silicon Valley for Theranos THREE years ago, Walgreens (b. 1901) arrived in Silicon Valley for the same reason many old economy companies do: to hurry and join the digital vanguard before it was left behind. Walgreens quickly made a deal…
    • Taking a stance sharply at odds with most American public health officials, a major British medical organization urged smokers to switch to electronic cigarettes, saying they are the best hope in generations for people addicted to tobacco cigarettes to quit.
·         Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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