Monday, April 18, 2016

Weekly Links April 18 th, 2016

New frontiers in bioscience In 1975, when relatively powerful microprocessors first became available, many young entrepreneurs—including myself—were inspired to create companies, platforms, and programming tools that helped make computing available …
CRISPR creates a way out of regulation for GMO food Genetically modified crops are in the midst of a metamorphosis thanks to new gene-editing technology. The latest example is a white button mushroom genetically edited using CRISPR, or the ability
"Third generation sequencing and the future of genomics"
The Wet-chamber Method: How to use Less Antibody and Save Money Want to save money on one of the most expensive steps of your Western blots? Then, use less antibody for significant cost savings!
Thirteen Anonymous Genetic Superheroes Walk Among Us—Or Do They? Or do they? Stephen Friend never thought he’d go looking for superheroes.
Second Chinese team reports gene editing in human embryos Researchers in China have reported editing the genes of human embryos to try to make them resistant to HIV infection. Their paper1 — which used CRISPR-editing tools in non-viable embryos that…
People Who Avoided Illness Could Be Key in Treating Those Who Didn’t Somewhere in the world are 13 incredibly lucky people. Although they do not know it, each inherited a mutated gene that causes a fatal or terribly debilitating disease in infancy o…
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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