Monday, May 30, 2016

Weekly Links May 30th, 2016

George Church has a wild idea to upend evolution. Here’s your guide Harvard biologist George Church burst into the headlines (yet again) last week when he helped organize a closed-door meeting of scores of top scientists to discuss accelerating effo…
    • The report also says that new techniques, like a way to make small genetic changes in plants using genome-editing, are blurring the distinction between genetic engineering and conventional plant breeding, making the existing regulatory system untenable. It calls for a new system that pays more attention to the attributes of the crop, as opposed to the way in which it was created.
Nature Reviews Genetics Volume: 17, Pages: 333–351 Year published: (2016) DOI: doi:10.1038/nrg.2016.
The Plan to Avert Our Post-Antibiotic Apocalypse A new report estimates that by 2050, drug-resistant infections will kill one person every three seconds, unless the world’s governments take drastic steps now. Under instructions from U.K.
Bayer offers Big Buy out for the infamous Monsanto. Shareholders are not pleased… Yes, everyone is talking about how Germany’s Pharma giant Bayer has made a $62 billion offer for the infamous chemicals conglomerate Monsanto. And not many like it.
tags: Pocket weeklylinks 

o    Lab-equipment company Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.  TMO      0.62  %         on Friday said it reached a deal to acquire microscope-technology maker FEI Co. for $4.2 billion in cash.
The purchase price, at $107.50 a share, represents a 14% premium to FEI’s closing price on Thursday. The maker of high-end electron microscopes will join Thermo Fisher’s analytical instruments segment.
Soon We Won’t Program Computers. We’ll Train Them Like Dogs Before the invention of the computer, most experimental psychologists thought the brain was an unknowable black box. You could analyze a subject’s behavior—ring bell, dog salivates—but thou…
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Weekly Links May 20th, 2016

Same but Different On October 6, 1942, my mother was born twice in Delhi. Bulu, her identical twin, came first, placid and beautiful. My mother, Tulu, emerged several minutes later, squirming and squalling.
The New Yorker screws up big time with science: researchers criticize the Mukherjee piece on epigenetics Abstract: This is a two part-post about a science piece on gene regulation that just appeared in the New Yorker. Today I give quotes from scient…
Researchers criticize the Mukherjee piece on epigenetics: Part 2 Trigger warning: Long science post!
Right But Wrong In its May 2 issue, The New Yorker magazine published a report titled “Same But Different,” with the subhead: “How epigenetics can blur the line between nature and nurture.
How Craig Venter is fighting ageing with genome sequencing This article was first published in the May 2016 issue of WIRED magazine. Be the first to read WIRED's articles in print before they're posted online, and get your hands on loads of addition…
Want NGS Success? Consider These Three Factors – Bitesize Bio NGS is still something a little scary for most operators. Mainly because of the price, which can make the pipette, in the hand of the best of us, shake a little with fear.
When Do You Give Up on Treating a Child With Cancer? When Esther and Dan Levy’s son Andrew was 14 months old, he received a diagnosis of a kind of leukemia so rare that their medical team said getting it was like being bitten by a shark and struck b…
The Secret Culprit in the Theranos Mess Over the past few years, when media outlets reached out to Theranos about whether its wunderkind founder, Elizabeth Holmes, would have time to sit for an interview, her P.R. team generally responded with two q…
Cisco’s CEO on Staying Ahead of Technology Shifts Our success at Cisco has been defined by how we anticipate, capture, and lead through market transitions. Over the years, I’ve watched iconic companies disappear—Compaq, Sun Microsystems, Wang, Digit…
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Weekly Links May 16th, 2016

Revealed: Google AI has access to huge haul of NHS patient data It’s no secret that Google has broad ambitions in healthcare. But a document obtained by New Scientist reveals that the tech giant’s collaboration with the UK’s National Health Service …
Top scientists hold closed meeting to discuss building a human genome from scratch Over 130 scientists, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and government officials from five continents gathered at Harvard this week for an “exploratory” meeting to discuss the t…
Scientists Talk Privately About Creating a Synthetic Human Genome Scientists are now contemplating the fabrication of a human genome, meaning they would use chemicals to manufacture all the DNA contained in human chromosomes.
Pondering ‘what it means to be human’ on the frontier of gene editing People in pain write to Jennifer Doudna. They have a congenital illness. Or they have a sick child. Or they carry the gene for Huntington’s disease or some other dreadful time bom…
5 Tips on Vector Preparation for Gene Cloning – Bitesize Bio One of the most crucial steps in any cloning procedure is the preparation of the vector. Get it wrong and your chances of success will be drastically reduced.
A $1 paper-based test can detect the Zika virus in around two hours “For our group it’s become an interesting case study in how quickly a group can mobilize in the face of an outbreak,” Dr. James Collins explains over the phone.
The Improvisational Oncologist The bone-marrow biopsy took about 20 minutes. It was 10 o’clock on an unusually chilly morning in New York in April, and Donna M., a self-possessed 78-year-old woman, had flown in from Chicago to see me in my office at…
Robot surgeon outperforms human colleagues doing same procedure It’s another victory for the machines: a robotic surgical system outperformed humans and robot-assisted human operators in a soft-tissue procedure, bringing us that much closer to autom…
CRISPR Drug Maker Intellia Therapeutics Sells $108M In IPO Shares The latest biopharmaceutical company testing Wall Street’s belief in the promise of gene modification has gone public.
'Burning Man for the 1%': the desert party for the tech elite, with Eric Schmidt in a top hat Further Future is the tech-centric, unapologetically luxurious alternative to Burning Man, complete with personal assistants, spa treatments and fine dinin…
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.