Friday, April 24, 2015

Weekly Links April 24 ,2015

    • Machines are getting better than humans at figuring out who to hire, who’s in a mood to pay a little more for that sweater, and who needs a coupon to nudge them toward a sale. In applications around the world, software is being used to predict whether people are lying, how they feel and whom they’ll vote for.

    • Why would you do it? There are genes and then there are genes. Some are easy to clone, some are almost impossible to PCR, because they have bad AT or GC rich content or are detrimental to E. coli growth. If you compare half a year spent unsuccessfully trying to clone your gene with $1000 spent on a synthetic gene, the second option doesn’t seem too outrageous.
  • 10 Handy Tips to Help Keep Your PCRs Contamination Free | Bitesize Bio
    • PCR contamination can be your worst nightmare if you are not able to figure out the source of the bands in your negative control.
    • After a lot of trial and error, I finally managed to solve the problem. So here are the steps I followed to prevent PCR contamination.

    • In the usual cancer biopsy, a surgeon cuts out a piece of the patient’s tumor, but researchers in labs across the country are now testing a potentially transformative innovation. They call it the liquid biopsy, and it is a blood test that has only recently become feasible with the latest exquisitely sensitive techniques. It is showing promise in finding tiny snippets of cancer DNA in a patient’s blood.

DuPont Diagnostics today announced an exclusive distribution agreement granting VWR rights in theUSto sell the DuPont BAX System Q7 instrument, assays, and related products. The BAX platform is a PCR-based pathogen detection technology for the food industry.
    • Global sourcing has become an economic imperative for many organisations. Increased competition, globalisation, and the desire to enter developing markets overseas to drive growth  have driven a greatly increased level of international sourcing. However, simply buying internationally is not going to provide the best solution to achieving the goals that will lead to continuing corporate success. A comprehensive global sourcing strategy is required.
    • A guide for CEO’s, CFO’s and CPO’s on how global sourcing can contribute to  business objectives for sustainable competitive advantage

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