Monday, April 13, 2015

Weekly Links April 13 ,2015

    • The individuals who have founded some of the most success tech companies are decidedly weird. Examine the founder of a truly innovative company and you’ll find a rebel without the usual regard for social customs.
  • Our 8 books for young bioscientists Bitesize Bio
    • It is incredibly important for aspiring young scientists to keep up to date with the scientific literature. We all know that some journal articles are a slog, and critiquing other’s research is often an onerous task. Sometimes it’s good to have a break. What follows is a list of popular science books I have found to be quite helpful and I thought I might share them with you.
    • These days, the original FISH protocol has been diversified and developed into a variety of applications, including diagnostic assays. The variation of these FISH experiments is primarily in the sequence and labeling of the probes. Today I am only going to touch on three of the more popular FISH variations: Fiber-FISH, Q-FISH, and Flow-FISH.
    • Clinical trial is encouraging first step to developing new approach to HIV prevention, treatment and cure.

    • Combative and charismatic, Mr. Silber was a true believer in Seragen and its drugs, and for a decade he was the company's most ardent salesman. He persuaded scores of associates, friends, and family members to buy in: his brother, sister-in-law and niece, and friends on the faculty. His secretary plowed in more than $10,000.
    • Every time California has a problem — we ran out of electricity in the early 2000s, then we ran out of money, and now we are running out of water — people say California is over,” Dr. Starr said. “It’s not over. It’s too important a part of American culture to be over. But it will change itself.”
  • The Mind of Those Who Kill, and Kill Themselves -
    • But in the days since, it has seemed increasingly clear that Andreas Lubitz, 27, the plane’s co-pilot, was something far more sinister: the perpetrator of one of the worst mass murder-suicides in history.

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