Monday, February 2, 2015

Weekly Links February 2 ,2015

    • In order to reach their lofty goal, the scientists are embarking on a massive experiment to sequence both the DNA and RNA of major food ingredients in various environments. To start with, they are examining things like poultry meal, fish meal, egg powder, and ground corn and will track them in the factory ecosystem, as they ship out, and even through different weather conditions.
    • Illumina once again used this platform as an opportunity to announce the release of a number of new products including 4 “New” sequencing systems ahead of the more scientifically focused Advances in Genome Biotechnology conference in February. 
    • There are a few important differences among these systems though.  The flagship HiSeq X can output 900 gigabases of data per flowcell in 3 days while the HiSeq 3000/4000 only output 750 gigabases
tags: cultures bio
    • Bacterial cultures may be much easier to grow than mammalian cells, but if your yields are suboptimal there are plenty of parameters to play with. Here we list a few of the things you should consider to maximize your culture growth.

    • Cell-free protein expression, as is called the method Invenra and Sutro use, still requires all the “goo” —the protein-making machinery—from inside cells as the growing medium. But it doesn’t require the cells themselves. Once the right mix is in place, the next key ingredient to add is the DNA of the desired protein.
Much faster than conventional cell-based methods, cell-free expression has been available to researchers for years, but Sutro is likely the first biotech to scale it up into what could be a major therapeutic platform
    • Really what we want is to provide is a tool that allows you to provide a protein fingerprint, i.e. you can look at all the proteins that are in the human body so that it's the data that comes out about this protein that identifies the diagnostic. We would provide is something that provides a basis to develop the diagnosis first and then be the diagnostic afterwards.
    • But of all the ways that Uber could change the world, the most far-reaching may be found closest at hand: your office. Uber, and more broadly the app-driven labor market it represents, is at the center of what could be a sea change in work, and in how people think about their jobs. You may not be contemplating becoming an Uber driver any time soon, but the Uberization of work may soon be coming to your chosen profession.

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