Sunday, February 22, 2015

Weekly Links February 22 ,2015

o    More than 200 scientists working on an ambitious federal project have begun to understand the complicated system of switches that regulates genes, turning some on and others off, making some glow brightly while others dim. They hope these discoveries, described in two dozen papers released on Wednesday, will eventually lead to a deeper understanding of diseases and new ways to treat or cure them.
o    ast Friday, in a speech at the White House, President Obama unveiled what he called his Precision Medicine Initiative, a two-hundred-and-fifteen-million-dollar plan to collect genetic information from a million American volunteers in order to further the development of personalized, genetics-based medical treatments. Obama called precision medicine “one of the greatest opportunities for new medical breakthroughs that we have ever seen,” saying that it promised to deliver “the right treatments at the right time, every time, to the right person.”
o    Could genetically modified bacteria escape from a laboratory or fermentation tank and cause disease or ecological destruction?
This is not known to have occurred. But two groups of scientists reported on Wednesday that they had developed a complex technique to prevent it from happening.
o    Imagine if antibodies were standardized with respect to their sequences, their concentrations, and their buffers. Antibodies would inspire confidence, not doubt. And we could stop wasting huge sums on “bad” antibodies. Worldwide, the losses mount to $800 million each year, roughly half the spending on protein-binding reagents. In the United States, the corresponding figure is $350 million.
o    I've been asked about the difference between the Illumina sequencer line-up so many times that I put together a spreadsheet to help the discussions. This is cobbled together from the Illumina website and there are no prices quoted, however I have estimated the £ per M reads and the £ per GB.

o    Transcriptic is a very small company. We like it that way. A key metric at Transcriptic is leverage: the employees-to-revenue ratio. We believe that a small, highly effective team supported by a large automation deployment can rewrite life science economics.
o    NextCODE said today it has been acquired by Shanghai’s WuXi Pharmatech for $65 million in cash. WuXi will merge NextCODE and its own genome center into a new company called WuXi NextCODE Genomics that will be headquartered in Shanghai yet have offices in Cambridge, MA, and Reykjavik, Iceland (
Under the collaboration, Sigma-Aldrich will provide the Transgenic Module at IMG/CCP with Sigma CRISPR technology, including reagents, experimental design consultation and dedicated gene editing bioinformaticians.

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