Monday, January 9, 2017

Weekly Links January 9th , 2017

The next revolution in medicine just might come from a new lab technique that makes neurons sensitive to light. The technique, called optogenetics, is one of the biggest breakthroughs in neuroscience in decades. via Pocket
I have wondered several times around here about how (and if) IBM’s Watson platform is going to be able to help out with drug discovery, and it looks like we may be able to find that out. Pfizer has signed up with IBM to use the Watson technology in …
So, you’ve designed PCR primers to amplify your sequence of interest, and you’re ready to go. via Pocket

Molecular Assemblies, a San Diego startup developing a new enzymatic method for synthesizing DNA, said today it has raised $2.3 million in a seed financing round. via Pocket
Biotech is driving innovation and will bring some of the hottest technology of the future. To help those trying to pick one of the many biotech hubs in Europe, we’ve compiled a list of where some of the most exciting companies are. Currently, biotec…
Lygos uses microbugs to convert low-cost sugar into specialty chemicals used in manufacturing and is now releasing a technique to make malic acid, an ingredient needed in the mass production of electronics. via Pocket

Every September, largely unbeknownst to the rest of the company, a group of around 50 Lego employees descends upon Spain’s Mediterranean coast, armed with sunblock, huge bins of Lego bricks, and a decade’s worth of research into the ways children pl…
Each morning when she wakes up, Kristy Milland powers up her home computer in Toronto, logs into Amazon Mechanical Turk, and waits for her computer to ding. Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT), which has been around for over a decade, is an online platform…

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