Monday, January 23, 2017

Weekly Links January 23rd , 2017

    • Paris has always been a place where people come together to break new ground,” Sandberg said today in a press conference at Station F. “Now Paris has a thriving tech scene. Entrepreneurs are the engine of economic growth all over the world
As a researcher, it’s satisfying to manage your own projects and do the bench work yourself. After all, if you don’t have experience with a technique, you’re usually expected to figure it out (with or without direct supervision). via Pocket
tags: IFTTT Pocket
In 2001, President George W. Bush issued an executive order banning federal funding for new sources of stem cells developed from preimplantation human embryos. The action stalled research and discouraged scientists. via Pocket
tags: IFTTT Pocket
    • Undoubtedly there will be additional startups in gene synthesis space.  I do remain a huge believer that radically altering DNA synthesis costs would transform biology, but as I noted before radically will mean 1-2 logs from where Gen9 and Twist were pricing (and perhaps, at least for Gen9, losing money on every base but trying to make it up in volume).  George Church and
    • others want to write entire mammalian genomes; that would be $30M a genome at $0.01/basepair
  • German Microscopy Tech raises funds to take over Imaging in Biology
Luxendo has raised €8M to start international sales of its unique microscopy technology aiming to take over confocal microscopes in biology research. via Pocket
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Monday evening brought news that Bio-Rad has further consolidated its grip on the droplet microfluidics space by acquiring RainDance Technologies for an undisclosed price. via Pocket
tags: IFTTT Pocket
    • Though recreation on public lands creates $646bn in economic stimulus and 6.1m jobs, Republicans are setting in motion a giveaway of Americans’ birthright

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