Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Weekly Links January 17th , 2017

Biocentury has a really good interview with John Jenkins, who’s departing the FDA this week after 15 years as director of the Office of New Drugs at the agency’s CDER (Center for Drug Evaluation and Research). via Pocket
Early on an unusually blustery day in June, Kevin Esvelt climbed aboard a ferry at Woods Hole, bound for Nantucket Island. via Pocket
In both the U.S. and the EU, transgenic genetically modified (GM) crops must be approved by regulatory agencies before they can be marketed. Both the U.S. and EU have mandatory GM labeling requirements, though the structures of the U.S. via Pocket
Nearly 40 years since the first ‘test-tube baby’, how close are we to editing out all of our genetic imperfections – and should we even try to do so? Comfortably seated in the fertility clinic with Vivaldi playing softly in the background, you and y…
Illumina have announced NovaSeq, an entirely new sequencing system that completely disrupts their existing HiSeq user-base.  In my opinion, if you have a HiSeq and you are NOT currently engaged in planning to migrate to NovaSeq, then you will be out…
Quiagen is entering the promising field of multi-omics data analysis with the acquisition of a bioinformatics company from the US. via Pocket
Local genomics legend J. Craig Venter is stepping aside from his post as chief executive officer of Human Longevity Inc., turning over the helm to former GE Healthcare executive Cynthia Collins. via Pocket
Grail, a San Francisco startup that aims to invent a blood test that can detect cancer early, announced this afternoon that it plans to raise $1 billion in venture capital in its second financing round, a sum that puts the biotech startup in a class…
    • “What really matters?” in life. In her enlightening new book, “The Power of Off,” Nancy Colier observes that “we are spending far too much of our time doing things that don’t really matter to us.”

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