Friday, January 22, 2016

Weekly Links January 22th, 2016

Easy DNA Editing Will Remake the World. Buckle Up. Spiny grass and scraggly pines creep amid the arts-and-crafts buildings of the Asilomar Conference Grounds, 100 acres of dune where California's Monterey Peninsula hammerheads into the Pacific. It's…
CRISPR Update Could Make Gene Edits Easier, Discoverers Say The popular gene-editing system known as CRISPR/Cas9 has become an indispensable biological research tool, and it also holds profound therapeutic, environmental, ethical, and business impli…

Boston Scientists Tweak CRISPR Scissors For More Precise DNA Cuts Keith Joung, a scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and his colleagues say they have come up with a way to make the gene editing system known as CRISPR-Cas9 far more…
Bitesize Bio If you do cell culture you will inevitably need to count your cells. Counting cells can be tedious, but it is important to do accurately. Your assessed quantity of living cells will affect all your downstream applications.
Buying a Secondary Antibody: Why all the Choices? So you grab a quick 5 minutes in between lectures to sit down and tackle an item on your to-do list: order a secondary antibody for an upcoming experiment.  But when you start to search your favorite…
Modifier le génome avec CRISPR/Cas9 [Vidéo] Une petite vidéo sur ce sujet qu'il me parait indispensable de faire connaitre au plus grand nombre… Pour une fois, vous remarquerez que ça n'est pas un sujet que j'avais déjà traité sur le blog ! Je n'ai …
Craig Venter's Health Nucleus tries to reshape medicine

Stanford Partners With Life Sciences Marketplace Quartzy For Campus Lab Supplies Quartzy is a lab supplies marketplace often used among life scientists at various universities, but particularly at Stanford. The academic institution made that relatio…
Les géants du Web à la chasse aux ADN Pour la nouvelle année, offrez un test ADN ! 23andme, champion des ventes de tests ADN grand public, fait des prix de groupe ! En France, les analyses génétiques dépendent d’une prescription médicale.
Révolution dans la manipulation des gènes CRISPR-Cas9. Retenez bien ce sigle imprononçable, car vous n'allez pas tarder à en entendre parler, et de plus en plus souvent.

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