Friday, January 15, 2016

Weekly Links January 15th, 2016

The Quest to Make CRISPR Even More Precise More than ever, we can view the genomes of humans and other organisms as drafts-not final and canonical texts, but rough copies to be tweaked and refined.
What Can You Actually Do With Your Fancy Gene-Editing Technology? "The unthinkable has become conceivable," said David Baltimore from the California Institute of Technology, at a historic summit on human gene editing currently taking place in Washin…

CRISPR-Cas9 is Revolutionizing Gene Editing CRISPR-Cas is a gene editing technology that is revolutionizing the biotech industry. In 2012, two researchers were performing basic research when they inadvertently discovered a gene editing technology th…
Creative Minds: Interpreting Your Genome Just this year, we've reached the point where we can sequence an entire human genome for less than $1,000.
    • efore we can use your genome to develop more personalized strategies for detecting, treating, and preventing disease, we need to be able to interpret the many variations that make your genome distinct from everybody else’s. While most of these variations are neither bad nor good, some raise the risk of particular diseases, and others serve to lower the risk. How do we figure out which is which?
    • Unless your lab director has hit the grant trifecta and bought NGS instrumentation, the chances are that you will need to complete your NGS study with the services of a specialized core facility or an outside company. If you’re wondering how to choose the right strategy for outsourcing your first (or even second or third) NGS experiment, look no further. Here are a few thoughts to consider as you make your decision:
Life Sciences Marketplace Quartzy Raises $17 Million To Build Up The Supply Side Quartzy, a lab supplies marketplace, announced it has closed a $17 million round in Series B financing to help the startup build up the supply of lab equipment offered …
Biotech Startups Hit the Ground Running, With Six Filing IPO Plans Today If we had to gamble on it, we’d bet the IPO market will be far more brisk this year than last year, which was the worst year for tech IPOs in particular since 2009.
Nanopore Sequencing: 20 Years On  Once Only a Dream, Nanopore Sequencing is Now Reality Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION Sequencer Apps Spotlighted   Fully Automated Sample Prep and Higher Throughput Coming Soon I don't really know who first drea…
tags: Pocket weeklylinks nextgen sequencing
A renowned cardiologist and healthcare leader explains how technology is making diagnosis and treatment faster and more accurate

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