Friday, June 24, 2016

Weekly Links June 24 , 2016

Scientists Announce HGP-Write, Project to Synthesize the Human Genome Scientists on Thursday formally announced the start of a 10-year project aimed at vastly improving the ability to chemically manufacture DNA, with one of the goals being to synthe…
Plan to Fabricate a Genome Raises Questions on Designer Humans A proposal by a group of scientists and businesspeople to synthesize a human genome from scratch is attracting sharp criticism for dodging the big ethical questions such a step raises.
Get that Genotyping PCR to Work EVERY TIME Say you just joined a lab and have been assigned your very own project to work on. As part of your new responsibilities, you have to breed and maintain the mutant (or transgenic) mouse line which you will b…
Cell Culture is No Longer Flat: Three Dimensional Cell Culture Three dimensional cell culture mimics the extracellular matrix (ECM) that offers the structure and support for cells in vivo, thus creating the complex architecture and network required …
Not So Verily The folks at Stat clearly have some good sources inside Google’s Verily startup. They ran a story back in March about problems with the CEO (blogged about here), and now they’re back with more opinion from within.
Exit Interview: Lita Nelsen on MIT Tech Transfer, Startups & Culture MIT’s approach to nurturing entrepreneurship has changed a lot over the past 50 years.
Surprisingly Simple Ways You Can Trick Your Brain Into Focusing What separates strategic, visionary thinkers from the rest of us? And why do we tend to worry about our ability to remember names—or where our keys are—rather than loss of cognitive mem…
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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