Monday, July 17, 2017

Weekly Links July 17th, 2017

    • This video is presented by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, it features the president and founding director of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and MIT's James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award winner for 2016-2017, Professor Eric Lander, a geneticist, molecular biologist, and mathematician. He is known for playing a major role in sequencing the human genome.
  • Meet CRISPR’s Younger Brother, SHERLOCK | Big Think
Along with Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna, Feng Zhang is one of the inventors of CRISPR-cas9 — or “CRISPR” for short — the cut-and-paste method for editing evens that’s taken genetics by storm. via Pocket
The next blockbuster drug could be developed with help from machine-learning techniques that are rapidly spreading from AI research to pharmacology labs. via Pocket
Troisième épisode spécial focus de Biologie Tout Compris !Cette chaîne est animée par Tania Louis, docteure en biologie que vous pouvez suivre sur twitter : @SciTania----J'avais préparé une mini conférence pour le festival Play Azur 2017. Et je me s…
A drop of blood on filter paper, allowed to dry and stored for future diagnostic purposes is considerably easier than the present-day, resource-consuming method, using frozen blood samples in plastic tubes. via Pocket
The recent emergence of easily accessible CRISPR-Cas9 technologies is enabling nearly unlimited opportunities for genome editing. Apart from its potential as a therapeutic tool, the system is currently spurring a revolution in drug discovery. via Po…
Successful western blotting means achieving unambiguous results, and this requires a sensitive and specific antibody-antigen interaction. Consequently, high quality antibodies are critical for reliable and consistent western blotting. via Pocket
They are the forgotten workhorse of laboratories across the world. A deceptively simple piece of technology that we use once, and then discard. via Pocket
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Purchasing a microscope camera is one of the most daunting tasks you might have to undertake. Before you set out to buy that camera, carefully consider your applications. Things like sample brightness or the speed of the phenomenon you are trying to…
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Flow cytometry is a pervasive tool to characterize just about anything in cell biology. From quantifying the expression of surface antigens, to determining the physiological changes in cells and everything in between, flow cytometry is as indispensa…
tags: IFTTT Pocket

The Library of Babel: On Trying to Read My Genome Speaker Carl Zimmer, Columnist, The New York Times & STAT via Pocket
Data plays a more central role in healthcare than ever before. It won’t be long before every person’s genome is sequenced at birth, with follow-up sequencing done at regular intervals throughout life. via Pocket
In a significant advance in the study of mental ability, a team of European and American scientists announced on Monday that they had identified 52 genes linked to intelligence in nearly 80,000 people. These genes do not determine intelligence, howe…
Sino Biological, a Beijing reagents developer, raised $29 million in a Series A round led by Qiming Venture Partners, a China VC with interest in life sciences. Founded in 2007 by MIT professor, Dr. Daniel I.C. Wang, and his former student, Dr. via …
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Pat Reilly had good reason to worry about Alzheimer’s disease: Her mother had it, and she saw firsthand the havoc it could wreak on a family, much of it financial. So Ms. Reilly, 77, a retired social worker in Ann Arbor, Mich., applied for a long-te…

Peering beyond scientific reticence. It is, I promise, worse than you think. If your anxiety about global warming is dominated by fears of sea-level rise, you are barely scratching the surface of what terrors are possible, even within the lifetime o…
tags: IFTTT Pocket

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