Friday, February 5, 2016

Weekly Links February 5th, 2016

Why scientists are calling for caution on a powerful new gene-editing technology Earlier this week, hundreds of scientists, bioethicists, and health regulators gathered in Washington, DC, to talk about the powerful new gene-editing system that recen…
Meet one of the world's most groundbreaking scientists As the dish of steamed chicken feet clattered onto the table, an impish toddler drummed with her chop sticks. Nobody in the noisy restaurant in Boston's Chinatown gave a second glance at the man…
The Forest In Your Mouth - Phenomena : Not Exactly Rocket Science The study of the human microbiome-the booming and much-hyped quest to understand the microbes that share our bodies-began in the mouth. Specifically, it began with dental plaque.

Les sciences forensiques Tout le monde a au moins déjà vu une fois un épisode de CSI (Les experts en français) ou NCIS.
Antibody Validation Anyone in the research antibody business will be aware that discussions relating to antibody quality and validation have been gathering pace over the last couple of years.
    • “A main challenge facing clinical and genomic data sharing efforts is the lack of harmonized methods and interoperable approaches that would enable such sharing. This barrier is one of the main motives for the formation of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health.”
  • The Crispr Quandary
The Crispr Quandary One day in March 2011, Emmanuelle Charpentier, a geneticist who was studying flesh-eating bacteria, approached Jennifer Doudna, an award-winning scientist, at a microbiology conference in Puerto Rico.
CRISPR: The Path to Clinical Trials If you have read a newspaper lately, there is a good chance you have heard about CRISPR-Cas9, the versatile gene editing technology.
Why Fast Fashion is like an addiction I was talking to Julie Zerbo (founder of TheFashionLaw), a lawyer who is well-known for blogging about topics that no one in the fashion world wants her to write about, and our conversation ended up on “fast fas…

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