Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Weekly Links April 11th, 2017

One evening last November, a fifty-four-year-old woman from the Bronx arrived at the emergency room at Columbia University’s medical center with a grinding headache. Her vision had become blurry, she told the E.R. doctors, and her left hand felt num…
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Advances in optical mapping, linked reads, PacBio and nanopore sequencing are enabling generating highly contiguous large genome sequences routinely and inexpensively. However, this in turn is creating intense demand for efficiently and reliably pre…
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Droplet digital PCR?  It’s easy. Because we’re here to guide you through it. We recently introduced you to the principles of digital PCR technology and how it differs from qPCR. via Pocket
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Eric J. Topol, MD: Hello. This is Eric Topol, editor-in-chief of Medscape. I am delighted to welcome Feng Zhang, who is with us today to discuss his extraordinary work in CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats). via Pocket
tags: IFTTT Pocket
A few months ago I had my gut microbiome analyzed–a $99 value–free of charge. The American Gastroenterology Association made the offer to all of its trainee members, myself included. via Pocket
Two years ago, Time wrongly reported that “Most cancer is beyond your control.” The Guardian incorrectly wrote: “Two-thirds of adult cancers largely ‘down to bad luck’ rather than genes.” And the BBC misleadingly said: “Most cancer types ‘just bad l…
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Last month, Walmart gathered some of America’s biggest household brands near its Arkansas headquarters for a tough talk. For years, Walmart had dominated the retail landscape on the back of its “Everyday Low Price” guarantee. But now, Walmart was to…
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Once again the Paris Innovation Review (formerly ParisTech Review) publishes a series of excellent articles, this time dedicated to start-ups. These are: – Companies like others? A sociological survey of French startup. – Startups Employees Perks & …
tags: IFTTT Pocket

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