Monday, March 20, 2017

Weekly Links March 19 th, 2017

o    these days, scientists say, an increasing proportion of sperm — now about 90 percent in a typical young man — are misshapen, sometimes with two heads or two tails.
Even when properly shaped, today’s sperm are often pathetic swimmers, veering like drunks or paddling crazily in circles. Sperm counts also appear to have dropped sharply in the last 75 years, in ways that affect our ability to reproduce.
For doctors trying to treat people who have symptoms that have no clear cause, gene-sequencing technologies might help in pointing them to a diagnosis. But the vast amount of data generated can make it hard to get to the answer quickly. via Pocket
Genome sequencing has taken off in recent years, and large-scale projects are leading the way. This review looks at efforts around the world. Gene sequencing has proved its usefulness as a diagnostic and prognostic tool. via Pocket

Vous êtes ici au milieu d’une série d’articles destinée à valoriser les startups scientifiques. via Pocket
Vous encore au milieu d’une série d’articles destinée à valoriser les startups scientifiques. La première partie expliquait pourquoi elles méritaient notre attention, comment elles reprenaient du poil de la bête et quels étaient leurs facteurs clés …


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