Monday, October 10, 2016

Weekly Links October 10 , 2016

The Microbiome Portal wants to provide you with new information about the basic and applied research that is being done now about the microbiomes. via Pocket
L‘attribution du prix Nobel de chimie 2016 à un trio comprenant Jean-Pierre Sauvage a déclenché l’habituel flot de félicitations des responsables politiques. via Pocket
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Whatever the technique, it is essential to have the correct experimental setup to let you verify that you are measuring what you think you are measuring. And PCR is no different – you can’t conclude anything concrete from your results unless you hav…
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Othman Laraki and Elad Gil were sitting on Twitter’s roof deck after their previous company Mixer Labs had been acquired. Gil had brought a small hard drive with him — which happened to contain data on his genome being sequenced — and Laraki wanted …
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Novartis has done a big reshuffle of its R&D structure, but what’s not clear is if it’s one of those reshuffles that ends up with fewer jobs than it started with. via Pocket
tags: IFTTT Pocket
The views expressed by James in this blog are his own. Any similarity to the views of anyone, or any organisation, alive, dead or undead are entirely accidental. Short Bio: James received a Molecular Biology degree and PhD from the University of Eas…
tags: IFTTT Pocket
It would raise the stakes even higher, but that didn't stop Jay Flatley, Illumina's then chief executive, from sending in vials of his own saliva and blood to the company's newly opened lab. via Pocket
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Last month, Bayer AG opened the doors on a $335 million joint venture with Crispr Therapeutics to develop therapies using a new gene-editing tool. Later this year, rival Editas Medicine Inc. via Pocket
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Maurice E. Stucke from the University of Tennessee Knoxville and Ariel Ezrachi of Oxford University explain how big data and artificial intelligence can be used to facilitate collusion and potentially harm consumers. The first part of a two-part int…
The first time I met Alexa, the A.I. robot voice inside the wine-bottle-size speaker known as the Amazon Echo, I was at my friends’ house, in rural New England. “Currently, it is seventy-five degrees,” she told us, and assured us that it would not r…
tags: IFTTT Pocket
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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