Monday, February 27, 2017

Weekly Links February 27 th, 2017

The soul of academic science is being destroyed, one patent at a time. via Pocket
THE WORLD’S MOST EXTREME physical exam starts in the world’s plushest exam room, complete with a couch, a private bathroom and a teeming fruit plate. It will be my home for an entire day. First come the blood tests, vial after vial. via Pocket
    • This video is presented by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, it features the president and founding director of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and MIT's James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award winner for 2016-2017, Professor Eric Lander, a geneticist, molecular biologist, and mathematician. He is known for playing a major role in sequencing the human genome.
Europe has a lot of successful Biotech companies, but which of those are worth a billion euros or more? I did a previous version of this article last year and now I explore how these have evolved.  Just 9 European Biotech companies (private and publ…
Soon scientists will be able to perform efficient DNA analysis right at their bench. Promega Corporation has announced the development of a benchtop capillary electrophoresis (CE) instrument in collaboration with Hitachi High-Technologies Corporatio…
It is certainly possible that, as per recent speculation, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is preparing to run for President. It is also possible that Facebook is on the verge of failing “just like MySpace”. And while I’m here, it’s possible that UFOs e…
Famine, plague, and war. These have been the three scourges of human history. But today, people in most countries are more likely to die from eating too much rather than too little, more likely to die of old age than a great plague, and more likely …
In 1975, researchers at Stanford invited a group of undergraduates to take part in a study about suicide. They were presented with pairs of suicide notes. In each pair, one note had been composed by a random individual, the other by a person who had…
tags: IFTTT Pocket

Monday, February 20, 2017

Weekly Links February 20 th, 2017

Nick Lane is very good at explaining complex biology and biochemistry. He is the winner of the Royal Society's Michael Faraday Prize for 2016. Here's his lecture. It's worth watching if you want to understand the latest informed (naturalistic) specu…
ith the Broad Institute’s big win on Wednesday in its battle over key patents on the CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology, everything is now crystal clear. via Pocket
The decision of who owned the rights to a hotly disputed CRISPR gene editing patent came down in favor of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard today so you’d think the mood would be sour at the University of California, Berkeley, the other contend…
It’s been a huge two days for CRISPR, the biotechnology innovation that makes it far easier for scientists to edit DNA in living cells. via Pocket
The CRISPR toolbox is continuing to expand rapidly, opening new avenues for biomedical research. Since the first publications in early 2013, the Zhang lab and other researchers have engineered a number of improvements to the system. via Pocket
Wilson To and Luis Daniel Soto are our guest bloggers today, telling you about a new industry vertical category that is being added to the AWS Marketplace.Check it out! via Pocket
    • We identified more than 1,300 companies playing in the diabetes landscape. In the network above, 9.6% of companies focus on research and drug discovery, with a whopping $2.9 billion in investment in this area.
Dans la partie précédente de cette série sur la renaissance des startups scientifiques lancée fin 2016, j’avais commencé par faire un panorama rapide et probablement très incomplet de leur écosystème en France. via Pocket
Vous êtes ici au milieu d’une série d’articles destinées à valoriser les startups scientifiques. via Pocket
Price was the first person ever to be diagnosed with what is now known as highly superior autobiographical memory, or HSAM, a condition she shares with around 60 other known people. She can remember most of the days of her life as clearly as the rest of us remember the recent past, with a mixture of broad strokes and sharp detail. Now 51, Price remembers the day of the week for every date since 1980; she remembers what she was doing, who she was with, where she was on each of these days

Monday, February 6, 2017

Weekly Links February 6th, 2017

Over the years, scientists have come up with a lot of ideas about why we sleep. Some have argued that it’s a way to save energy. Others have suggested that slumber provides an opportunity to clear away the brain’s cellular waste. via Pocket
Some lucky folk claim to never get a cold or take days off work. Can we become more like them? Every now and then one pops up at work, down the pub, in the park, outside the school gate, or in your own family’s mythology. The person who claims never…
Since iGenomX is perhaps the most similar technology on the market to 10X's for linked reads, I asked for some more depth here. via Pocket
via Pocket
Illumina Inc. exceeded Wall Street’s expectations Tuesday when the medtech company reported its fourth-quarter revenue was up 5 percent. Illumina brought in $619 million in Q4 revenue, up from $592 million in the same quarter the prior year. This be…
This would seem to leave Illumina users with no small-scale automation options. via Pocket
Local test maker Banyan Biomarkers is partnering with bioMerieux, a French giant in biotechnology, to develop a blood test that would identify traumatic brain injury. Today, traumatic brain injury is usually diagnosed through the use of CT scans. vi…
Amazon is building one of the largest internal logistics and shipping businesses in the world, and if you needed any more evidence this was the case, the company just revealed that it’s investing $1. via Pocket
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.